The European Tree Worker (ETW)
The European Tree Worker carries out operations on and in amenity trees with the aim of keeping the trees healthy and safe. They act on the basis of arboricultural knowledge and take conservation matters, environmental protection and safety regulations into account. Tree care operations require a profound and highly qualified training with a special focus on work safety.
Within the framework of the European Leonardo da Vinci Programme, the European Tree Worker was developed from 1996 - 1999. The objective was and is to harmonize the field of treecare, which is a very special field, in the unified Europe, to assure high quality tree care operations and a high level of training and to facilitate the international exchange of tree workers.
Through the project, Europe got for the very first time a "European Tree Worker" diploma which is based on the same exam regulations all over Europe. This diploma is mutually recognized by all the member countries and leads to international cooperation and cross-border quality. So employees can get a highly-qualified training and employers high-qualified employees. At the same time, European cooperation will be reinforced.
- To ensure high quality work and training in tree care operations.
- To ensure a safe working environment according to best working practice and European standards
- To promote the international exchange of employees.
- To enable each country to have a good chance of getting Europe-wide invitations to tender in fair competition within the field of arboriculture.
- European Tree Worker certification proofed and controlled by the European Arboricultural Council.
- Each ETW certification is supervised by an international EAC-supervisor.
1. Curriculum
Tree maintenance comprises of the planting, monitoring and maintenance of trees. The European Tree Worker has, according to the curriculum, to know:
- Elements of tree maintenance
- Safe working practice
- Arboricultural matters with practical experience
- Legal and social regulations.
This curriculum gives the basis for:
- Skills and knowledge the Tree Worker has to acquire.
- National preparation courses
- the certification scheme and
- the European Tree Worker handbook
2. Preparation courses
On the basis of the curriculum, many European countries may offer preparation courses according to national requirements. Your national member or the EAC Certification Centers can tell you where and when the courses will take place.
3. Conditions of entry
Open access to the examination is offered to all those who possess the technical skill to carry out the mentioned operations. Potential candidates must provide:
- Proof of physical and mental ability to carry out tree care operations safely, with a medical certificate or a self-declaration.
- Proof of a valid qualification in first aid, according to the national regulations.
- Proof of training in the use of chainsaws (either on the ground or in the tree), and if required in their own country, a qualification or a license for the use of a chainsaw in the tree. The certificates for the aerial chainsaw use, provided by the professionally recognized organizations are also accepted.
- Proof of a minimum of one year practical experience in tree care must be provided.
- For the climber: Proof of skills in aerial rescue must be provided. If no proof of aerial rescue training is available, the candidate will be required to carry out simulation 3 (aerial rescue) as part of the examination.
- For the MEWP operator: Proof of skills in the use of a MEWP/Platform and emergency situations must be provided.
4. Certification
The European Arboricultural Council offers the qualification of the European Tree Worker by examination. The aim of the exam is to test the knowledge and skills that the candidates have to master according to a defined curriculum. Successful candidates may use the title "Certified European Tree Worker - climbing and/or platform". The certification is based on the same exam regulations throughout Europe. The national certifications will be organised and carried out by the relevant institution in the member countries according to the certification and examination regulations.
The right to have the European Tree Worker certificate expires after a duration of three years. If approved, the certificate will be renewed for a further three years by the national certification center.
Your national member can tell you where and when the certifications will take place and give you further information about the certification. For further information you can also contact the EAC- secretariat.
5. The European Tree Worker diploma and ID-card
Candidates who have successfully passed the certification, get the diploma "Certified European Tree Worker" and an ID-card.
6. Validity and ETW Recertification
The European Tree Worker certificate is valid for three years and has to be renewed.
ETW recertification can be obtained by submitting the following documents
to the exam provider or certification centre:
- Proof of practical tree care work in 24 of the previous 36 months
- Proof of a valid qualification in first aid
- Proof of physical and mental ability to carry out tree work at height, with a current medical certificate or a self-declaration
- Proof of participation in seminars/workshops/courses applicable to the ETW curriculum (30 hours over the previous 36 months).
The national board can refuse recertification or take away the certification status due to unsafe, unprofessional work and unprofessional conduct.
Find the current regulations at:
7. ETW Handbook
For the preparation for the exam and as a reference book, a trilingual handbook has been written. Here you find the contents of the handbook, as well as an order form. A trilingual glossary containing the most important technical terms in the field of arboriculture will facilitate communication between European Tree Workers and is therefore part of the handbook.
Have you got questions concerning the training and further education program for the European Tree Worker or the certification? Your national member or the EAC Certification Center have got further information. Or send us an e-mail.